Monday, August 24, 2009

In all the Chaos

Things are quite crazy in the Guillory household these days. I have not been able to spend much quality time with Asher. Thankfully Trevor has been really good at keeping him occupied, and especially teaching him new things. Puzzles are Asher's new favorite. Trevor showed him what to look for when putting the puzzle together etc. It only took him one day to figure it out and he has since become the master!! Now he'll bring in his puzzles and say "watch this." We've even timed him to see how fast he can put it together. It's fun to see how excited he gets.

Our twins have been busy too these days. I have forgotten how quickly they change in the early months, and how different each can be from the other. Cole and Caden are both smiling now and turning their heads to look for you. They want to laugh, and make these funny coo sounds when you tickle their chin, but they haven't giggled just yet. The biggest surprise was Caden turning over. At two months this little squirt has figured out how to roll over from his tummy to his back. Cole is trying his hardest to do the same thing, it's only a matter of days before he gets it too. They are sweet and beautiful, and although twins are a challenge we are grateful to have them. What a blessing they are.

Caden's big grin

Cole's super smile

I realize when looking at these pictures that it would be hard to tell who is who. In person it is much easier; but we have found that Cole has a notch in his ear that Caden doesn't... just in case.


Raelene said...

Are you sure you haven't mixed them up? Thanks for the pics. They are starting to develope their own personalities and expressions.
Love you, Grandma

Mary said...

I used to babysit infant twins, and I remember how hard it was even for just a few hours at a time. They were a handful, but such fun, too. What a blessing!

Jenna said...

Holy cow they look identical! I know I keep saying that, but it blows me away!

Conor (and all my kids, actually) have loved puzzles too. So good for them!

You sound like you're having lots of Mommy fun. And I still have your present sitting here. *sigh*