Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Catch

We took Asher to the Chico "Hooked on Fishing" event last weekend. Gaga had bought him a little fishing rod to use (thanks Gaga), which he was thrilled about casting and reeling it in not so much about sitting and waiting for a fish to bite. When the fish did bite he reeled it in with help from Papa. Once it came on shore he was no longer willing to stand so close! He checked out his first catch from a good distance. Daddy and Papa caught a few more, and even Uncle Jimmy came to get in on the fun. We enjoyed the good weather and hopefully Uncle Jimmy will come down this weekend and bring our catch for a fish fry!


Raelene said...

Lots of things look better from a distance. What a fun day*!*

Jenna said...

That is so cute! What a big boy! (Especially compared to his brothers, huh?)